Life Cycle Analysis

Consult Construct are able to offer expert analysis for the Life Cycle credits within BREEAMLEED and CEEQUAL.

Within BREEAM, the most common UK Environmental Assessment methodology, this includes the Building Lifecycle Assessment (LCA) and Materials Efficiency Assessment relevant to the Materials credits. Projects aiming for BREEAM rating, at any level, will find the points associated with the Life Cycle Impacts credits readily accessible. LCA will not only improve your design, but will also provide an efficient, stress-free and cost-effective solution to maximising your BREEAM rating.

We can also secure the relevant credits within the Management section with the production of the Life Cycle Service Life Plan (LCC). Cost planning over the length of the project is increasingly becoming a key benchmark for the client.  Decisions taken at design can have massive implications for the future cost of managing the building. Having the benefit of a detailed Life Cycle Cost Assessment at an early stage can mark a step change in the way the design is looked at.

We use BRE accredited software for these assessments and play a role in updating and reviewing the operating capabilities with the supplier, eTool Global Ltd.

Life Cycle Analysis within the London Plan

With a vision of creating a net-zero carbon city by 2050, the London Plan is the Spatial Development Strategy for the Greater London region, comprising the City of London and the 32 London boroughs. It is written by the Mayor of London and published by the Greater London Authority (GLA).

Chapter 9 of the plan covers Sustainable Infrastructure (SI) with policies SI2 and SI7 being the key ones pertaining to the planning process for major developments.

Policy SI2: Minimising greenhouse gas emissions

Whole Life Carbon (WLC) emissions should be calculated for each project via a life-cycle assessment (LCA) and the actions taken to reduce WLC emissions should be demonstrated.  This is mandatory for referable applications, but it should be noted that GLA guidance on WLC encourages LCA to be done for all projects in London.

Consult construct are well placed to manage this new requirement on behalf of our clients, utilising our specialist software.

BREEAM Domestic Refurbishment

The BREEAM Domestic Refurbishment Method is designed to help building owners and occupiers to save operating costs, reduce the environmental impacts of refurbishments and increase the sustainability of existing buildings.

The BREEAM DR remains a common benchmark for planning departments. At Consult Construct, we are experienced in providing pre-assessments for new projects and following these through to certification should there remain a client requirement for completion.

The Home Quality Mark

The Home Quality Mark (HQM) has been created to serve the UK’s house builders and the householders who buy and rent new homes.

HQM helps house builders to demonstrate the high quality of their homes and to differentiate them in the marketplace. At the same time, it gives householders the confidence that the new homes they are choosing to buy or rent are well designed and built, and cost effective to run.

We are able to advise the client from pre-assessment to completion on the requirements to meet the HQM. Early communication prior to planning approval is essential in setting the scheme design to meet the requirements of this detailed and thorough environmental assessment.

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