Boundary Disputes

Consult Construct, as a leading UK chartered surveyors Kent service, are ideally suited to help you with any queries you have about Boundary Disputes. By understanding some of the areas in which these occur, you will be better able to avoid some of the pitfalls.

One of the major problems with such disputes is with the parties not being able to accurately describe and record their boundaries, and as long ago as 1862 since Land Registry set up, this has not improved.

Generally, boundary disputes arise through the lack of one landowner’s not agreeing with all the considerations of owners of adjoining land. There are less boundary disputes between owners commercial or agricultural neighbours than those between two adjacent residential properties.

As chartered valuation surveyors, we can value your house with the disputed fence where it now stands, then with the disputed fence in the place where you (or perhaps your neighbour) would like it moved to, then see if there is any difference in the two valuations. Consult Construct are experienced in working with parties involved in boundary disputes but when matters cannot be eventually mutually agreed, then they can advise on taking the route to alternative disputes resolution procedures such as expert determination, mediation and arbitration.

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