Energy Statements

For the majority of developments, Energy Statements are required to demonstrate compliance with national, regional, and local planning policy objectives to achieve low carbon buildings. We work with our clients to identify the most suitable and cost-effective solutions to reduce a property’s emissions and advise on low carbon/renewable technologies to meet your objectives.

Consult Construct have an experienced team that can guide you through the planning process and identify a practical strategy to meeting building compliance.

Furthermore, we can demonstrate how you achieve your regulatory emission targets in a succinct report that is easy to understand and outlines this approach through the energy hierarchy.

Energy Consultancy
With the Government’s proposed Future Homes Standard and net Zero Carbon by 2050, there has never been a more critical time for you to employ the expertise of professionals in Energy & Sustainability.

At Consult Construct, we are able to provide practical and cost-effective advice on how our clients can achieve compliance with the ever-changing regulatory standards.

Our specialism in this field will ensure that the correct approach is taken from the outset, negating changes late in the design or construction process saving unnecessary expense and delays.

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